About Generation Check

Welcome to GenerationCheck.com – Your Ultimate Guide to Generational Identity!

At GenerationCheck.com, we understand the curiosity and sometimes confusion surrounding generational classifications. Whether you're a Baby Boomer, Gen Xer, Millennial, Gen Zer, or part of the upcoming Gen Alpha, our website is designed to provide clarity and insight into which generation you belong to and what that really means.

What We Offer

  1. Generational Identifier Tool: Our primary feature is the Generational Identifier Tool. By simply entering your birth year, our algorithm accurately determines your generational cohort. It's quick, easy, and informative!

  2. Generational Profiles: Once you know your generation, explore detailed profiles of each cohort. These profiles cover key characteristics, historical events that shaped each generation, and common traits observed among group members.

  3. Educational Resources: We offer a range of articles, infographics, and videos that delve into generational research. These resources are great for anyone looking to understand the sociological and psychological aspects of generational differences.

Our Mission

At GenerationCheck.com, our mission is to foster understanding and bridge the gap between generations. By providing a platform for education and discussion, we aim to dispel myths and stereotypes, celebrating the unique qualities each generation brings to the table.

Stay Connected

Whether you’re here to confirm your generational identity or to learn more about others, we're thrilled to have you on this journey of discovery. Stay connected with us through our newsletter, social media channels, and regular blog updates.