Am I Greatest Generation?

Here you can check if you are Greatest Generation by age.

The Greatest Generation (1901-1927): Experienced the Great Depression and World War II, renowned for their resilience, resourcefulness, and strong sense of duty.

Learn more about Greatest Generation.

Are you a part of the Greatest Generation, or do you belong to a different generation? Let's find out together. With Generation Check, you can easily discover which generational group you belong to, just by entering your date of birth.

Understanding Generations

Every generation has its unique set of experiences, cultural trends, and historical events that shape its collective identity. Here's a quick overview of the generations you might belong to:

  • Lost Generation (1883-1900): This generation experienced the upheavals of World War I and the ensuing societal changes.

  • Greatest Generation (1901-1927): Known for their resilience during the Great Depression and World War II.

  • Silent Generation (1928-1945): They witnessed significant post-war changes and the start of the Cold War.

  • Baby Boomers (1946-1964): Born during the post-WWII baby boom, experiencing the cultural shifts of the 60s and 70s.

  • Generation X (1965-1980): Known for their independence and entrepreneurial spirit.

  • {GENERATION_MILLENNIAL_NAME} ({GENERATION_MILLENNIAL_START_YEAR}-{GENERATION_MILLENNIAL_END_YEAR}): Grew up during the digital revolution, facing economic fluctuations.

  • Generation Z (1997-2012): The first digital natives, growing up in a highly connected world.

  • Generation Alpha (2013-present): The newest generation, born into a world of advanced technology and social media.

How It Works

To discover your generational group, just enter your birth date in the field provided. Generation Check will instantly analyze your birth year and identify your generational cohort, offering insights into the common traits and experiences of your generation.

Remember, generational categories are broad, and individual experiences may vary. Use Generation Check to explore your generational identity and understand how your formative years may have influenced your life!

Start your journey now with Generation Check and embrace the unique story of your generation!