What generation is 1968? Generation X

Were you born in 1968? Tell your friends that you are a proud Generation X!

About the Generation (1968)

Generation X (1965-1980): Raised during a time of shifting societal values, known for their independence, skepticism of authority, and adaptability.

Learn more about Generation X.

Famous People (Celebrities) Born in 1968

  • Will Smith (Sep 25, 1968)
  • Celine Dion (Mar 30, 1968)
  • Hugh Jackman (Oct 12, 1968)
  • Melissa Gisoni (Jun 13, 1968)
  • Beetlejuice (Jun 2, 1968)
  • Marc D'Amelio (Nov 1, 1968)
  • Tony Hawk ( 12, 1968)
  • Terry Crews (Jul 30, 1968)
  • Owen Wilson (Nov 18, 1968)
  • Guy Fieri (Jan 22, 1968)

What Happened in 1968

  1. Jan 21 - The Battle of Khe Sanh - one of the most publicized and controversial battles of the Vietnam War - begins at the Khe Sanh Air Base
  2. Feb 1 - Saigon police chief Nguyễn Ngọc Loan executes Viet Cong officer Nguyễn Văn Lém with a pistol shot to head. The execution is captured by photographer Eddie Adams and becomes an anti-war icon.
  3. Apr 4 - US civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated by James Earl Ray at the Lorraine Hotel in Memphis, Tennessee
  4. Apr 11 - US President Lyndon B. Johnson signs 1968 Civil Rights Act
  5. Apr 20 - British politician Enoch Powell makes his controversial "Rivers of Blood" speech
  6. Apr 23 - 1st decimal coins issued in Britain (5 & 10 new pence, replacing shilling and two-shilling pieces)
  7. Jun 5 - Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan shoots Robert F. Kennedy three times, who dies the next day. and wounds 5 others at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California
  8. Aug 20 - During the night 250,000 Soviet and Warsaw Pact troops invade Czechoslovakia in response to the Prague Spring
  9. Aug 24 - France becomes the world's fifth thermonuclear power with a detonation on Mururoa Atoll in the South Pacific
  10. Nov 12 - US Supreme Court: Epperson v. Arkansas, court declares unconstitutional Arkansas law banning teaching evolution in public schools

Top Songs 1968

  1. Hey Jude - The Beatles
  2. Those Were the Days - Mary Hopkin
  3. Jumpin' Jack Flash - The Rolling Stones
  4. Delilah - Tom Jones
  5. Eloise - Barry Ryan
  6. Lady Madonna - The Beatles
  7. (Sittin' On) the Dock of the Bay - Otis Redding
  8. Judy in Disguise (With Glasses) - John Fred & The Playboy Band
  9. (What A) Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong
  10. Honey - Bobby Goldsboro

Popular Movies 1968

  1. 2001: A Space Odyssey - Director: Kubrick, Stanley. Country: UK / USA.
  2. Once Upon a Time in the West - Director: Leone, Sergio. Country: Italy / USA.
  3. Night of the Living Dead - Director: Romero, George A.. Country: USA.
  4. If... - Director: Anderson, Lindsay. Country: UK.
  5. Faces - Director: Cassavetes, John. Country: USA.
  6. Rosemary's Baby - Director: Polanski, Roman. Country: USA.
  7. Shame - Director: Bergman, Ingmar. Country: Sweden.
  8. Planet of the Apes - Director: Schaffner, Franklin J.. Country: USA.
  9. Stolen Kisses - Director: Truffaut, François. Country: France.
  10. Bullitt - Director: Yates, Peter. Country: USA.

Who Was US President 1968

Lyndon B. Johnson